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How will my tuition be paid?1391 views

benefits tuition

Understanding how military benefits cover tuition and fees is important for enrolling smoothly at ECC. IVG, ING, MIA/POW Scholarship, and GI Bill® Chapter 33 (Post 9/11) send tuition and/or fee payments directly to the school.

  • If Chapter 33 doesn't cover 100% of your tuition, you're responsible for paying the remaining balance to ECC.
  • The IVG and ING will cover tuition charges and the once-per-term registration fee. The student is responsible for all other non-tuition-based fees. 
  • The MIA/POW Scholarship covers tuition but not the registration fee.
  • If you receive other benefits, you must arrange a payment plan to secure your classes each semester. It's a good idea for all students to apply for federal student aid.
  • Fees: If you owe more than $10 in fees and don't pay, you'll be dropped from your classes.


Veteran Resource Center

Building F, Room 201