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Submit Your Form: Fill out and submit the "Veteran and Military Benefit Activation Form" to ECC's Financial Aid Office before the payment due date.
Check Your BHA/MHA: Find out your Basic Allowance Housing (BAH) Rates in Illinois to determine your benefit amount.
Send Required Documents: Email all necessary documents to or call 847-214-7360 if you have questions.
Include Certificates: Attach a certificate or eligibility letter for each benefit you intend to use. Ensure you're enrolled in your classes before sending the form.
Arrange Payments (if needed): If you're using GI Bill® Chapters 1606, 30, or 35, manage payments with the Student Accounts Office, as these benefits are paid directly to you.
Meet Your Academic Advisor: Consult your academic advisor for course selection and apply for financial aid through
Contact the VA: For questions about VA deposits (like monthly payments or housing allowances), reach out to the VA at 888-442-4551.
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Last updated on Jul 22, 2024
Building F, Room 201