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Who is the certifying official at Elgin Community College?1050 views

financial aid

Ryan Most, financial aid advisor & VA certifying official. He can be contacted at 847-214-7360 or by email at He is in the Financial Aid Office, Building B, Room B156. He can certify and answer questions on any military benefit: BHA/MHA, IVG, ING, TA, and financial aid awards/scholarships. You must submit paperwork for each term or semester.


Verification of Enrollment Status

  • Chapter 31, Chapter 32, & Chapter 33 - ECC will certify monthly that you are still enrolled. If you make any changes to your schedule, please update that information with the Financial Aid Office to avoid any overpayments or delays in receiving monthly stipends.
  • Chapter 30, Chapter 35, Chapter 1606, & Chapter 1607 - You, the student, must complete the certification monthly by visiting to avoid any overpayments or delays in receiving monthly stipends. By telephone, only this agency does not allow you to certify by the Internet. The number to call to verify your enrollment status is 877-823-2378.



Veteran Resource Center

Building F, Room 201